Okay guys: how many of you are wondering, “so what ARE they studying there at MTC, anyways?” “We know that the trip went well, and what the campus looks like, and we know that Cali was sick but now she’s better, but WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT, ANYWAYS?” Well this update is for you. We are so excited to give you a peek at our studies. We’ll just stick with our current training, and tell you about future classes…in the future. That’s logical, isn’t it?
This Week’s Classes:
NTM History – We are hearing about the guys who started NTM and the organization’s history, but that’s not an end in itself. As we study the history we are being taught the NTM Core Values…and how the core values came to be the core values of NTM. As we learn about the love and resolve of the men who started NTM back in 1942, our own hearts are challenged to be more concerned with the things that God is concerned with, and more resolved in our obedience to Him.
Worldview Analysis – This is another very important class that will teach us to understand people better so that we can more effectively serve them. The way a person views life affects how they think, understand, communicate, and live. It is essential to understand this and be able to get to the bottom of it if we are going to evangelize, teach, or disciple.
We also need to have our own ways of thinking challenged. For example, it’s easy to think that our way of cooking oatmeal or mowing the lawn is the RIGHT way of cooking oatmeal or mowing the lawn. When we are presenting God’s Truth, we need to be careful not to confuse our preferences with God’s principles.
Learning Styles – We are learning about ourselves and each other, how we think, how we learn, how we function. The point? To learn practical tools for working together as a team, and to learn to honor one another’s needs and recognize each other’s strengths.
Other Homework:
Some of the classes coming up have lots of pre-course work that we need to complete before the class begins. So we are already learning alot before we even get lectured on the subject. This week we are doing lots of reading for:
Partnership Development – Biblical thinking and practical skills for partnering with people financially. How to gain financial partners and how to treat your financial partners right. Looking to the Scriptures for godly attitudes and godly principles in fundraising. (This class sounded intimidating before we began the study…but now that we are reading the book we are so happy and thankful for the training we are receiving in this area.)
Effective Communication – Because as missionaries it is essential that we be able to communicate the Truth clearly and effectively.
Other Stuff that Continues Throughout the Semester:
Chapel - meets twice a week for worship, and various speakers such as visiting missionaries or people from the community. It’s a refreshing time together.
Outreach - because we don’t just get off the plane in some foreign country and suddenly begin to minister to people. Ministry is NOW. Students here put in at least 2 hours a week to community outreach. Jevon will be mentoring guys at a place called Lighthouse. It is a Christian home for guys who are trying to get back on their feet in life, many of them recovering addicts, recovering alcoholics, or fresh out of jail. He will be working with a team of guys from here, but each of them will be mentoring an individual one on one. His first time going to the Lighthouse will be Thursday.
e-LINC - NTM likes making up nifty acronyms. This one stands for:
Equipping through Listening, Interacting, Nurturing and Communicating. We have a staff couple who will be our staff advisors during our time here, and they will be meeting with us once a week. Our first “official” meeting with them will be Tuesday. The training here at MTC is not just classroom stuff, it is also relational and discipleship orientated.
Prayer Emphasis – We break up in small groups for ten or fifteen minutes each morning to pray for local outreach ministries and for various missionaries all over the world. We also are each assigned a missionary to partner with in prayer throughout our training, and we will be e-mailing those missionaries and praying for them together at home.
Campus Ministry – also known as work detail. All the guys and singles here spend 7.5 hours a week contributing to the needs of the campus, whether that be fixing people’s computer problems or sweeping and mopping hallways. Jevon’s campus ministry is grounds maintenance, so he mows grass, picks up big rocks (there are lots of rocks here), smooths gravel roads, and other similar jobs. He likes that job just fine. All the mommies here stay home and cut rags…the working of a campus requires a continual supply of rags. So why spend all the money buying rags, when somebody can just cut up old clothes? That’s what Danica does…as she has time throughout the week.
God is teaching me right now that to not love the world is not enough. We must choose to love God. Do I get life from a cup of coffee or do I get pumped because Jesus is my life and I can be with Him right now? Pray for me that I will consistently drink from the River of Life.
I’m really enjoying the teachers’ challenges to live NOW, serve NOW, love one another NOW, speak the Word NOW, seek out the lost NOW. We were called to this from before time began!
I would tell you what my favorite class is right now, but they are ALL GOOD!
My biggest prayer request right now is for a quiet heart and thoughts focused on God.
CALI’S COMMENTS: (her summary of class today) “I had to sit on a blanket because we were all done swinging. I got a balloon. I like my balloon.”